Heat Wave Green Smoothies

It’s summer folks. My sister is HOME FROM CHINA!! for a month to do really casual things like get married and play with us. It’s incredible to think it has been a year since she left and these hot July days that we’ve all been counting down to are finally here.

Yesterday Nick finally mentioned the obvious. I haven’t actually gotten dressed in two weeks. It’s too hot and humid so my maternity bathing suit is all I can muster. Yup, it’s as awkward as it sounds. Our beach bag is packed and unpacked a couple times a day. I’ve discovered green smoothies sealed in mason jars are an ideal beach treat. They stay cool against ice packs and are filling enough to satisfy your hunger while being completely refreshing.

makes 2-3

2 bananas
1 1/2 cups frozen mango
2 oranges, peeled
2 cups coconut water
3 tablespoons coconut oil
1 inch fresh ginger root, peeled
3 cups kale leaves

Simple, just blend everything together until smooth. Pack in a few mason jars for beach slurping or enjoy at home. Happy July!


Homemade Almond Milk


Pink & Green Juice