Our Favorite Green Smoothie

We just rolled in from the . I bought a loaf of Oatmeal-Buckwheat bread from Cinnamon Starship, , a cucumber salad, and a lemonade for Gray and I to share for lunch. I unwrapped Gray’s cold roll (packed with noodles, fresh herbs, and tofu) expecting a squeal of excitement but he stared at me and said “I wanted the crispy one.” Back we went, another $5 in my hand, and bought a freshly fried egg roll. He downed it with most of the cucumber salad and the entire lemonade. He may be the only person I know who craves a fried, rich lunch in the humid summer heat but I can’t blame him either – those egg rolls are delicious.

We started our morning with a much cooler, greener meal – our family’s favorite Green Smoothie. Most summer mornings begin with this concoction first in our blender then either poured into jars to go or cups to stay. Today is the warmest day we’ve had yet so we topped our glasses with frozen berries.

Our Favorite Green Smoothie

makes 3 small or 2 large

2 bananas

1 cup frozen mango

2 cups baby spinach or any dark green

1-inch piece fresh ginger root, peeled and roughly chopped

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1 cup unsweetened hemp milk

1 cup water or ice

Handful of frozen berries, optional topping

Simply put everything into a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into glasses, top with frozen berries, and serve. If you happen to have extra, pour the leftover smoothie into a Popsicle mold and freeze for an afternoon treat.


Edible Flower Ice


Beet & Blackberry Smoothie