Winter Muesli

Most mornings I have a bowl of muesli for breakfast, typically with yogurt, and a big cup of coffee. After scooping pound after pound of the Swiss breakfast from the bulk bins at our local market I realized it was high time to make my own and happily, the process and recipe couldn’t be simpler. 

We are usually up a good hour (at least) before sunrise so I’m especially enjoying our newly decorated tree during those early morning hours when I feel like we are the only people awake in all of America. If you look closely, our tree perfectly describes our family life right now. There are no ornaments on the lower third (for fear of one year old consumption), the silver garland is pulled off in most places, and all the ornaments are three or four to a branch (apparently Dylan is into the layered look this year). It’s so sweet and anything but perfect.

makes about 4 cups

2 cups classic rolled oats
3/4 cup raisins
3/4 cup walnuts, chopped
5 dates, pitted and chopped
Milk or yogurt for serving

Using your hands, simply toss everything together in a large bowl. Be mindful of the sticky dates as they tend to clump together but once everything is in contact with the oats the clumps will loosen up. Muesli can be eaten with milk like a traditional cereal, sprinkled over yogurt, or soaked in milk overnight to soften up its texture. I like it all three ways. For those who like a little sweetness, simply drizzle over some honey or maple syrup.

A large mason jar filled with muesli, tied with a ribbon, and small recipe card attached would make a great gift for those left on your list (especially beloved teachers and neighbors). Because muesli is gluten free (if you purchase certified GF oats), vegan, and easily adapted to be nut free (substitute walnuts for pumpkin or sunflower seeds) it works for everyone. If you want to make a few personal mixes some additions that I especially enjoy are dried unsweetened cherries, shredded coconut, chopped pecans, and dried blueberries.

Here are a couple humble holiday shots of our home via my instagram.


Cranberry-Orange Muffins


Granola Waffles & Chocolate Date Milk