Yogurt-Granola Jars with Cherry Sauce

So you can look at these festive pretty little jars of breakfast in one of two ways:

1. Delicious and easy thing to add to your holiday brunch buffet or Christmas morning breakfast. The homemade cherry sauce is killer and the perfect deep purple for this time of year. Your fancy friends will like it, your kids will like it, you will like it.

2. Treat that can be made for an overtired family who is sleep walking towards the fridge in the morning. Perhaps this is due to a new baby, holiday stress, or a two year old who is suddenly waking up at night.

My reason is number two. Dylan is suddenly, after sleeping well for a very long time, waking at night for comfort. It’s fine, it’ll change and get better as almost all parenting hurdles to but man we are tired. When I’m overtired I’m grumpy and slow. Yeah, a really fun package. Our somewhat regular family breakfast time hasn’t happened these past couple weeks, the lunch I often pack Nick is old news, I’m no fun after 8 pm.

These Yogurt-Granola Jars with Cherry Sauce are my first step forward. I proudly said “NICK! I have breakfast ready for us!!” this morning and Dylan is napping now. Baby steps.

makes 4 small mason jars

1 10-ounce pack frozen organic cherries
3 tablespoons honey
1/3 cup plus 1/8 cup water
1 tablespoon arrowroot powder
pinch cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract
squeeze of lemon juice

whole milk plain yogurt, my favorite
granola, my favorite

Make cherry sauce:

Heat frozen cherries, honey, and 1/3 cup water over medium heat. Once the fruit is thawed and the honey is mixed in turn up and bring to a boil.

Meanwhile, dissolve arrowroot power in 1/8 cup of water. Stir arrowroot mixture into cherries and let boil for 1 minute then turn down to a low simmer. Add cinnamon and vanilla.

Let simmer for a few minutes, until it reaches a thickness you like. I stopped when it resembled maple syrup as it will thicken as it cools. Remove from heat and swirl in a squirt of lemon.

To assemble:

Simple – grab four jars, cups, mugs or whatever. Layer a scoop of yogurt, then follow with cherry sauce (cooled) and granola. Repeat until jar is full.

These little treats can be left in the fridge for 24-36 hours without getting soggy. Any longer and I’d worry about the granola losing its crunch.


Whole-Grain Pancakes with Blackberry Syrup


Hearty Blueberry Muffins