Green Smoothie Pops

There are a few household products that I think were invented only to torture me. First, plastic wrap. Seriously, it ruins my day. I always end up wrestling the box until I finally tear a half useable piece off. Second, popsicle molds. Torture. They leak, a handle breaks off, the pops get stuck. It’s not a pretty sight.

I still haven’t found the perfect popsicle molds (have you!?) but couldn’t resist making us some Green Smoothie Popsicles. As any normal parent, I worry about Dylan eating enough greens and this is the perfect festive summer food to have him asking for more.


I based this pop off of one of our favorite green smoothies, the Rainforest, but used fresh blueberries (as they are bursting off the bushes here) instead of mango. The Dino would also make a yummy pop.

1 banana
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 cup coconut milk
1-2 cups baby spinach


Frozen Yogurt Bananas


Truro Blueberry Crisp